Wellness Blog

How to Improve your Sleep Hygiene

What is sleep hygiene?

The term sleep hygiene is defined as behaviors that you can follow on a regular basis that will promote better sleep. Studies have shown that these guidelines can prevent awakenings throughout the night, which is the main reason for poor sleep quality. Sleep hygiene should be taken seriously if you are looking to get the best sleep possible. It is important to be looking for the best sleep possible, because sleep is mother nature’s secret gift to maintaining optimal health. When we are not sleeping well, we feel it. Performing our day-to-day routines is not met with the mental and physical energy that we need to give it our best.

What are the signs of poor sleep hygiene?

The common signs of poor sleep hygiene are waking up frequently, waking up tired, trouble falling asleep, and the top sign would be sleepiness during the day. Improper sleep hygiene can be a big cause for not getting those 7-8 hours the body and mind require to recover properly.

Some simple tips for improving sleep hygiene

1/ Take your sleep seriously! Prioritize getting those 7-8 hours you need.

2/ Optimize your bedroom for better sleep. Your surroundings are important when it comes to sleep. Think, quiet, cool, and dark. It is also important to have a comfortable bed and bedding. Run a fan for some white noise and invest in blinds or shades that give that blackout effect.

3/ Have a consistent bedtime and wake up time. This can really help you to sleep better. Try and keep consistent on the weekends and even on vacation. Your body and mind love routine!

4/ Cut out caffeine and alcohol. Ok, or at least cut back. You may think alcohol helps you sleep better, but it does not. You do not get the proper rest you need. Your body struggles throughout the night trying to eliminate alcohol from the system. Studies have shown that when you take caffeine out of your daily routine, within 48 your anxiety levels will decrease %50 and sleep improves dramatically.

5/ Wind down as your bedtime approaches. Try and engage in activities that are relaxing and calming. Try reading something that is not stimulating. Meditating and breath work are a game changer when it comes to sleeping better. I have made this VIDEO particularly to use just before bed. It uses binaural beats (brainwave technology), two breath techniques along with an auto-suggestion technique that helps you get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer. One of the best breathing techniques for sleeping or to relax is the 4-7-8 technique, also called the sleeping pill breath. Check out his VIDEO on how to do it. This is my go to just before it puts me to sleep every night. An important thing you can do is turn off electronics, social media, and blue light exposure 3 hours before you sleep.

6/ Exercise is great to help you get a more restful sleep. The more intense the exercise, the deeper the sleep. This has been proven. It has also been proven that stretching or practicing yoga can help you sleep better as it releases tension and stress from the body and the mind. Remember, movement is medicine! Want to start moving? Do a yoga class with us. Click HERE


It is simple. When we do not sleep, we do not feel or perform well. Only 2 out of 10 people sleep well. Over %40 of Americans take an anti-anxiety or sleep medication. This number does not include alcohol or cannabis. Sometimes simply making a few changes can have a profound effect on our lives. We are humans and humans are cellular machines that adapt. Anything that we practice, we get good at. Try and look at sleeping as a skill. Add some of the tips above slowly. You do not have to do them all at once. The first decision is to make sleep your priority and take it seriously.

Sleep well!

Much love


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